Raul Meel, Individually (or: Individualistically) and Hegemonically, serigraphy, relief printing, 1976
“In spring 1977 I managed to send two prints through Poland to the Ljubljana Print Biennial: “Individually” and “Hegemonically” (76×52 cm, coloured serigraphy, relief print, 1976). There were 1064 works of 428 artists from 57 countries. International art critics valued the works very highly – graphic art was still prestigious. The participants included a large number of world-famous artists…
The Polish art magazine “projekt”, 5’77 /120 published 22 pictures from 22 artists: Victor Pasmore, Sol Lewitt, Tetsuya Noda, Thomas Bayrle, Arika Matsumoto, Vjenceslav Richter, Dora Maurer, Raul Meel, Ireneusz Pierzgalski, Edward Rusha, Janez Bernik, Boris Jesih, Kosuke Kimura, Tommy Wiberg, Monirul Islam (Bangladesh), Artur Luiz Piza (Brasiilia), Raimo Kanerva, Barbera Alberto (Mehhiko), Lojze Spacal (Itaalia), Mersad Berber, Domenick Capobianco.”
Raul Meel, “Conspectus of the Past”